Get Global Certification

We provide you access to our TrainerGurus from around the world who have years of experience helping students to pass global certification in the area of finance, management, entrepreneurship, marketing and digital technologies. You can choose to do online via zoom or study in one of our Global Guru Learning Partners .

Network with students and members around the world

As we know that there are alot of professional qualifications in this world based on their speciality. Our main objective is to give a place for all MyGlobalGuru members to have a wide network not only in Asia but also can be reached to Europe, US, Middle east, Australia. MyGlobalGuru know that as we already faced Industry 4.0 wich everything already going to digital world, MyGlobalGuru wants to open it for every single individuals who wants to build their network, want to build their opportunities and also MyGlobalGuru have a big dream to help all Professional Individuals reached their professional journey.

MyGlobalGuru also wants to give the opportunities to The Genz to explore their career pathway with the Professional Qualification and also get the opportunity to know more from the other members

Contribute back to society by becoming Trainer guru, Corporate guru, Consultant guru and Entrepreneur guru

Experience is the best teacher but teachers who teach students may not always have the practical experience that they need to impart to students to prepare them for their careers and hence there is a huge gap in skills in employees. This can be resolved by inviting the community in a common platform where they will learn from the practitioners themselves where real cases and real problems are solved in the class.

Explore employment opportunity posted by members

Qualifications accredited by a professional body carry a stamp of approval and can have positive benefits for your employability. You can use professional qualification also as a career exploration.Career exploration can provide you with clarity about your next steps, whether you're a new graduate and unsure where to work or you're in a career but are thinking of a new path. Career exploration can also build confidence that will appeal to a hiring manager and form connections with those in other industries. In this article, we discuss what career exploration is, how it works and provide tips for finding the right career path for you.

MyGlobalGuru facilitate this in MyGlobalGuru employment opportunity. MyGolbalGuru works closely with industry partners to give place for our members to get the access and network to know what are the current opportunities provided by our members.

Explore business opportunities

As we know that now we go to era 4.0 where most of the business can be done online, projects from abroad also can come from all over the world. MyGlobaGuru will provide all this opportunity to our members to get an update on every single business opportunity.

Explore consulting, advisory and projects posted by the community members

Community members can post their training, consulting, corporate and business advisory or short-term projects requirements in the portal and receive proposals from verified professionals in the community. TrainerGurus, ConsultantGuru, CorporateGurus and EntrepreneurGuru. This will allow the community to source talents from verified professionals as an alternative way of sourcing projects from big consulting firms which charge unreasonable premium fees that may not justify its returns.

Joint cpd event to get updated and learn new skills

CPD stands for Continuing Professional Development and is the term used to describe the learning activities professionals engage in to develop and enhance their abilities. CPD is a holistic approach towards the enhancement of personal skills and proficiency throughout a professional’s career.

CPD combines different methodologies to learning, which includes training courses, seminars, workshops, conferences and events, webinars and online eLearning programs. CPD can also include sharing best practice techniques, thoughts and ideas, all focused towards an individual improving within the work environment.

As we know that professional qualification members nee to submit CPD for every single year. MyGlobalGuru makes a regular event to make sure all MyGlobalGuru members can get these CPD hours and can full-fill the requirements from every single professional qualification.

Get Verified

MyGlobalguru platform also acts to facilitate independently verify your education qualification, skills and experience which enhances credibility of your profile to potential employer or partner and community at large. This also avoids the practise of scamming in the community. The platform offers the opportunity for following verifications :

  • Verified Student
  • Verified TrainerGuru
  • Verified ProfessionalGuru
  • Verified EntrepreneurGuru
  • Verified ConsultantGuru