MyGlobalGuru is a community based platform that connects global professional certification students with professional body members, Trainers, Institutions, Practitioners, corporate professionals and leaders, Entrepreneurs, consultants and business advisors worldwide to create a global community of experts or as we call them as 'Gurus' of the community that are certified globally in the area of accounting, finance, business and technology and create opportunities for the community members and the society. 

MyGlobalGuru offers the opportunity to the young professionals to get an internship, connect and strengthen professional relationships, and learn the skills that they need to succeed in their career. 

Once you complete your Profile in MyGlobalGuru profile,, it can help you to connect with the opportunity by showing to the community that you are verified users : 

  1. Verified Student
  2. Verified Graduate
  3. Verified Lecturer Guru
  4. Verified Corporate Guru
  5. Verified Entrepreneur Guru
  6. Verified Consultant Guru

You also can showcase your unique professional story through experience, skills, and education.

MyGlobalGuru not only build the community , MyGlobalGuru also the place for your to gain your Professional Qualification and can learn about professional qualification